Tuesday, 12 June 2012

30 Things; 1/30..

1/30: List 20 Random Facts About Yourself..

1) I am a big time animal lover! Cats mainly, but all animals hold a special place in my heart. I feel the need to take them in/help them/etc.. And would have a million animals if I could..lol! One of my life's dreams is to open a cat rescue. :)

2) I love to read and write poetry, though my writing has come to a bit of a standstill in recent years.

3) I love my children more than life itself, but there are days I want to hang them by their ankles from the oak trees out front..ha!

4) I question myself and my ability to do things daily. All things I want to/try to accomplish require a lot of thought and planning on my part.

5) I wish I had more confidence.

6) I love shoes! Though, I really wish I could walk around barefoot everywhere..lol!

7) I love, love, love taking pictures! I would love to do it professionally, though, I feel a calling towards another profession.

8) As the above mentions, the calling I feel God has put on my heart is to become a substance abuse counselor.

9) I had my oldest child when I was 16 years old.

10) I love being outdoors.

11) I thank God every single day for bringing my husband and I together. I didn't believe in Soul Mates until I met him.

12) I surrendered my life to Christ on July 25th, 2010, and it was one of the most bittersweet moments of my life; not only because of the new life I was starting, but because my son was baptized the same day, and I was able to do it! <3

13) I love being able to stay at home with my children and be here to see them grow and learn daily, but with my youngest starting school soon, and me starting school soon hopefully myself, the idea of being something other than "just a mom" frightens me.

14) I love, love, love the Twilight books and movies (Team Edward! lol).

15) I don't have many good friends, but the ones I do have I have known for 10+ years. :)

16) A lot of people don't know how to take me (i.e. my humor, personality, etc..) and when someone doesn't like me for any particular reason, it secretly bothers me.

17) Sometimes I have trouble expressing when something is bothering me. I hold it in, saying everything "Is fine", even though it really isn't. It mainly boils down to the fact that I don't like confrontation.

18) I like to watch cartoons with (or without) my kids. ;) I'm a kid at heart.

19) My family is REALLY loud, and while is gets on my nerves sometimes, I wouldn't have it any other way.

20) It was kinda hard to think of all these things to write!

What are some random things about you that you'd like to share? :)

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