Happy New Year Everyone! :)
I love, love, love the beginning of the year! For me, it's a time to examine life and figure out what positive changes need to be made. For some, self-examination can be a hard thing to do. I know that I personally love reevaluating my life, and direction it's headed, to see what needs changing and what can stay the same. This year is going to be a very exciting year for my family, and my heart is overflowing with joy just thinking about all the changes ahead for us! :) First, my husband Harry has decided to take on a new job. He's been with his current employer for 4 years, and while he has been very good to Harry, it's time to move on. Harry feels that he hasn't gone far in the company in 4 years, and when the opportunity arose for him to excel somewhere else, he jumped at the idea. He had an interview earlier in the week, and the man who interviewed him said the job is his if he wants it! Exciting stuff! This new job will offer more benefits, an opportunity to "climb the ladder" and will just be overall better for my sweet husband and our family. Harry and I are over the moon about this! :)
This year we plan to buy our first home. (this is one of the things I'm most excited about!) We have already been looking at listings online and such, and have found THE house we want! Within the next month we are going to start the process. We're praying we'll be able to get the home that we absolutely fell in love with, and if it's God's will, we will. But we're also keeping an open mind on the whole process, and know in our hearts that we will find the right home for us. :) The prospect of being homeowners is so exciting! There are SO many things you can do with your own home that you can't do with a home you're renting.. It's all just so exciting, and I'm sure there will be more details to give once this is all started.
Probably the biggest thing going on this year would be my "baby" starting Kindergarten! Madi's birthday is 8 days away, and she will be the big 5! It seems like yesterday she was a sweet little baby, and now she's a big girl getting ready to start school.. I knew this time would be here before I knew it, but I'd be lying if I said I was prepared for it. Madi is the youngest of our three children, and the last, and her starting school is like the end of an era for me. I certainly treasure all the time I have spent with all of my kids before they embarked on the journey into "big kid-dom", and when Keith and Hailiey started school it was a little different because I still had others at home. But now that Madi is going to start school, it'll just be me at home, and quite honestly I'm not going to know what to do with myself. (well I do, but I'll get into that in a minute..lol) I do know one thing though, on that first day, when I see her walking away from me and into that classroom, I'm going to cry like a baby! But then again, I did that when Keith and Hailiey both started school..haha.. Madi is so excited about being able to go to school, and I am excited for her. I just know she is going to love it! :)
Now as for not knowing what to do with myself when that happens, that's not entirely the truth.. I have had plans to go back to school myself for several years, but put it on the back burner for the sake of devoting myself 100% to my children while they were still at home. With Madi starting school this fall, it gives me the opportunity to go back to school myself. I'm very excited, but at the same time a little nervous. I haven't been in school or used any kind of school-like thought processes for years, and I'm afraid I won't do well. I know in a way it's just Satan trying to get me down, and I need not think like that. But also in a way, I know that insecurity runs hand in hand with making changes, and you just have to have faith that everything will work out. :) I've already been looking online for colleges, and I plan to go for Elementary Education. When I was little I desired to be a teacher, but my focus changed so much over the years to different careers. After examining all the things that interested me, I came back to that childhood desire of teaching. I think having the opportunity to work with young children this summer with my church during vacation Bible school, strengthened that some too.. :) I feel a drive and a yearning to make a difference, and teaching will be the way to accomplish that in my eyes. Young children are filled with such wonder and excitement, and I simply adore the way the view life. If we could all look at life through the eyes of a child, I think things would be a lot better! ;)
There's just SO much fun and exciting things on tap for this new year; Birthdays, Harry and I's first wedding anniversary, trips, and fun times. I'm ready for 'em all! I hope everyone had a great New Year's, and is enjoying all things positive so far! I look forward to sharing all of the great things to come in 2012! <3